Hi Guys 🙂
Today, I am going to tell you how to run sqlldr command using C, PHP and Java. It will be a command line interface for running sqlldr command in all the three language mentioned.
First of all, what is SQL *Loader?
SQL*Loader is a bulk loader utility used for moving data from external files into the Oracle database.
The external files mentioned here are the files that contain data/information in some particularly format. Most commonly used such file is CSV files. The CSV files have to be mentioned in a CTL which sqlldr understands. So, a typical sqlldr command looks like:-
/binary/path/to/sqlldr username/password@sid control=/path/to/sample.ctl
Let’s see some example. Take a sample csv file: sample.csv
data1a, data1b, data1c data2a, data2b, data2c
A sample CTL file in which sample.csv is mentioned: sample.ctl
Suppose the binary of sqlldr is located at /usr/bin/. So, the command for execution will be:
/usr/bin/sqlldr username/password@sid control=/path/to/sample.ctl
That’s it. There are other parameters that we could pass but I am taking here a simple scenario.
Now we will provide an interface for this. First in C language as it is Mother of all language ;-).
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main() { char *COMMAND = "/usr/bin/sqlldr username/password@sid control=/path/to/sample.ctl"; FILE * fp; fp = popen(COMMAND, "w"); if (fp == NULL) { perror("Command execution failed"); exit(1); } return pclose(fp); }
To run this code, execute the below commands at terminal:
a) gcc sqlldr.c. This will create a complied file by named a.out.
b) ./a.out.
Done. 🙂
Now let’s see how to do same thing using PHP.
class SQLLDR { public function runsqlldr() { passthru("/usr/bin/sqlldr username/password@sid control=/path/to/sample.ctl", $returnValue); if(!$returnValue) { echo "Command execution failed"; } } } $obj = new SQLLDR; $obj-> runsqlldr();
Just execute the following command at terminal:
php sqlldr.php
OR open in browser: http://localhost:80/sqlldr.php
You are done. 🙂
PHP is interesting, isn’t it? You can run same file from command line and in browser. How much fun!!
Now let’s see in most popular and extensively used programming language, Java.
import java.io.IOException; public class SQLLDR { public void runSqlldr () throws InterruptedException { String[] stringCommand = { "bash", "-c", "/usr/bin/sqlldr username/password@sid control=/path/to/sample.ctl"}; System.out.println("SQLLDR Started"); Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); Process proc = null; try { proc = rt.exec(stringCommand); }catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }finally { proc.destroy(); } System.out.println("SQLLDR Ended"); } public static void main(String[] args) { try { new SQLLoadRunner().runControl(); } catch(InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
Follow the below the steps for execution:
a) javac SQLLDR.java
b) java SQLLDR
That’s it. You are done. 😉
There are a lot of ways of doing same thing. You can play with above codes. For example, I have hard-coded the sqlldr command in code, you can pass those command as parameter to a function/method by making a generic code.
Download C code:Â HERE
Download PHP code: HERE
Download Java code: HERE
That’s all folks.
Suggestion/critics are very much welcome.
Have a nice day ahead.
Hey nice article, keep posting!!
I have posted some article on Hadoop and Bigdata. Please have a look. http://bigobject.blogspot.in/
Thanks Amol. I surely will look into. I am a big Hadoop fan.
Useful article!
Hi Nitesh
I have executed you code and it running successfully , but the data in not inserted in table.
Any comment?
Hi Nisha,
Is the data in csv file in correct format?
Hi Nitesh I am getting : Cannot run program “bash”: CreateProcess error=2 The system cannot find the file specified.
working .Ctl file is available in the absolute path used in prog
and sql client is installed on the system.
could run sqlldr from cmd.
What could be the reason
horrible choice of colour! Sorry!
Actually it’s not me. I updated the plugin and after that this happened. But I have changed it manually now. There won’t be any problem.
Thank you! It helps me a lot.