Hi guys,
Let’s see how we can call a microservice from an another microservice in a microservice architecture.
First, we need to inject a bean of WebClient which is load-balanced.
@Configuration public class ProjectConfiguration { @LoadBalanced @Bean public WebClient.Builder webClientLoadBalanced() { return WebClient.builder().defaultHeaders(header -> header.setBasicAuth("username", "password")); } }
Next, we need to make a call using this bean. Consider that the microservice that needs to be called is “share-market-live” and the endpoint URI is “product/data”. Follow the comments in the code for more details.
@RequiredArgsConstructor @Service public class RestServiceImpl implements RestService { @LoadBalanced private final WebClient.Builder builder; @Override public Mono<String> sendSubscriptionNotificationToAffiliate(RequestBody obj) { return builder.baseUrl("lb://share-market-live") // always use lb instead of http .build() .post() // http method .uri("product/data") // The URI .accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) // Media Type sent .bodyValue(obj) // Request body .retrieve() .bodyToMono(String.class) // Expected data type .doOnSuccess(s -> log.info("Success.")) // implementation on success .doOnError(e -> log.error("Failed.", e)); // implementation on error } }
That’s it.
Feedback / comments are welcome.
Have a nice day ahead.
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