I was using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS since its release, i.e. more than 4 years. So, I recently upgraded to the latest Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. During this process, I formatted my hard drive and performed a fresh installation. Before doing so, I made sure to back up all the PostgreSQL schemas on my laptop.
To automate the backup, I wrote a shell script that exports the PostgreSQL data into CSV files. While my primary motivation was to secure my data during the upgrade, this script can also be useful for other purposes such as data analysis, backups, or migrations.
Let’s see how to create that backup / export script. Or you can download the script from the GitHub.
Create the .pgpass file in the home folder
touch ~/.pgpass
Add Your Database Credentials
Add your DB credentials in below format
Set the permissions on the .pgpass file
chmod 600 ~/.pgpass
The Script
Create a file export_schema_data.sh
and put the below code in it.
#!/bin/bash set -e # Exit immediately if a command returns a non-zero status # Database connection parameters DB_HOST="" DB_PORT="" DB_NAME="" SCHEMA_NAME="" # Get a list of all tables in the schema TABLES=$(psql -h $DB_HOST -p $DB_PORT -d $DB_NAME -t -c "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema='$SCHEMA_NAME' AND table_type='BASE TABLE';") # Export data from each table to a separate CSV file for TABLE in $TABLES; do TABLE=$(echo $TABLE | xargs) # Trim any leading/trailing whitespace echo "Exporting $TABLE" psql -h $DB_HOST -p $DB_PORT -d $DB_NAME -c "\COPY $SCHEMA_NAME.$TABLE TO STDOUT WITH CSV HEADER;" > "$TABLE.csv" echo "Exported $TABLE to $TABLE.csv" done echo "Export completed"
Make the Script Executable
chmod +x export_schema_data.sh
Run the script
That’s it guys.
Hope you like it.
Critics / feedback are welcome.
Have a great day ahead!
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