Hi Guys,

First download the repository from HERE.

Coming from a Java background, I needed an MVC framework in PHP similar to Spring MVC in Java. However, after evaluating the frameworks available in the market, I found none of them to be like Spring MVC. Additionally, the learning curve for these frameworks was quite steep. I also observed that in all those frameworks, everything was based on objects, which seemed like a forced implementation to compete with Java and .NET. This is my personal opinion, but I acknowledge that I might be mistaken.

So, I developed a small framework called Define MVC. Initially it was in PHP 5. But a few days back I modified (almost a re-write) it to make it compatible with PHP 8.

If your download is complete, then let’s start.

Define MVC is a Front Controller based light weight MVC framework for developing web based applications. It is an open source and will remain always.

Define MVC PHP 5.3 – 7.2

First release of Define MVC supports PHP 5.3 to PHP 7.2. You can get it from HERE.

Virtual Host

While developing I created a virtual host for this framework. Request you guys to do the same. Probably it will not work if you try to access it like http://localhost/define-mvc-php-8/**.

Creating a Virtual Host

Add below line in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf file

Include vhost.conf

Create a file vhost.conf in /etc/apache2/ folder and add below lines

NameVirtualHost *:80 

<VirtualHost *:80>     
    ServerAdmin admin@define.mvc     
    ServerName define.mvc     
    ServerAlias www.define.mvc     
    DocumentRoot /var/www/html/define-mvc-php-8/     
    <Directory "/var/www/html/define-mvc-php-8"> AllowOverride All </Directory>     
    DirectoryIndex bootstrap.php 

Add below line in /etc/hosts file – www.define.mvc

Run below command on terminal to restart apache –
service apache2 restart

Please note above configurations were done in my linux machine. You must do according to your setup.

How to use it

Define MVC is a front controller based MVC framework just like any other MVC framework. So, all the request are redirected to bootstrap.php page. Please have a look at .htaccess file.

Folder Structure

Please don’t skip this section. Go through the below folder structure to understand how Define MVC and project / application classes and files will be organized.

|  - README.md
|  - bootstrap.php      // Front controller file. All request are redirected to this file. Redirect configuration is in .htaccess
|  - .htaccess   
└─── application        // project / application files
|   └─── controller     // controller files
|   └─── dto            // DTOs related to project
|   └─── exceptions     // Exceptions related to projects. 
|   └─── i18n           // Internationalization / Localization
|   └─── repository     // DAO classes of project
|   └─── service        // Service classes of project
|   └─── view           // view / html / html + php files
└─── configuration      
|   - application.php   // configuration for project
|   - define.php        // configuration for framework
└─── docs               // contains configuration files for both application and framework 
└─── lib                
|   └─── define             // DEFINE MVC files
|   |   └─── core           // Framework's core classes
|   |   └─── dbdrivers      // Database Driver classes
|   |   └─── exceptions     // Exceptions for framework 
|   |   └─── traits         // Traits for frameork
|   |   └─── utilities      // Utility classes for framework
|   └─── vendors            // vendor libraries
|       └─── phpmailer      
|       └─── json-object-mapper
|       └─── etc.
└─── logs                   // logs generated by logger
└─── scripts (optional)     // Scripts like DB scripts or shell scripts
    └─── db
    └─── shell

All the files related to your project will be inside ‘application’ folder. However, you can change the configurations defined in configuration/define.php.


By default, Define MVC follow below URL pattern:


For example, if the URL is http://www.example.com/user/profile/33-90/, or you want to create this url, then craete UserController class in application/controllerwith below code.

class UserController extends ApplicationController {
	public function profileAction(string $param1, string $param2) {
		// logic goes here

Check IndexController inside application/controller to get more details.


All the view files will be inside application/view/ folder.

You can add display value in view by using View object. For example:

class UserController extends ApplicationController {
	public function profileAction($param1, $param2) {
		$this->view->addObject("msg", "I am the value to be displayed.");

In application/view/ folder, create a file named user.php, and add the following code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<title>Define MVC Index Controller with Index View</title>
<?php echo $msg ?? "No value set";?>


Refer to application/repository/IndexRepository class to get an idea how to query and fetch result from a database. Please note, DB config should be set in bootstrap.php file.

As a good practice, call repository classes from service classes.


Refer to application/service/IndexService class to get an idea how to call a repository class or do other things.


After setting up define-mvc-php-8 in your local server, try accessing the following:






Define MVC is completely configurable.

For example, you want your UserController to be UserXYZ go to configuration/define.php and change CONTROLLER_SUFFIX to XYZ. Similarly, you can change other configuration properties.


That’s it.

Hope this article will help you.

Critics/feedbacks are welcome.

Have a nice day ahead.
